Common locations your character will be
My gigacastle, Canterlot, Plantinumiaopolis
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A tesseract (impossible to fully observe)
Design Description
I am a larger than average female Unicorn (due to Alicorn ancestry), I have a white coat and a flaming red mane. More beautiful than the Greek Goddess Aphrodite
Ruling, tea, cupcakes, currywurst, precious metals
Mean people, mean words, mean comments about me
Detailed Personality
Humble, super nice, forgiving, very very patient, likes to help everyone (not mean people), super smart, super charismatic, knows 10 languages (Ponish, Black Speech, Ancient Equestrian, Eldritch God, Alicorn (because of my Alicorn blood), Magic, etc.
The highest possible education available to a Princess. (Eldritch level knowledge), Spent time in Mordor with the Second Dark Lord Sauron learning evil magic (only for worst case scenarios)
Detailed History
I am the Princess of Plantinumiaopolis, I have reigned for over 100 years (I have Alicorn ancestry), all of my subjects are enamored with my exceptional ability to communicate and understand their interests. I have a sister who is younger than me (Princess Duralapisinua) who works with me in ruling our small kingdom. I was born when all the stars and planets aligned in a super symmetrical position and it was foretold when I was born that I would be more powerful than Princess Celestia, Princess ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
The entire kingdom of Plantinumiaopolis and its assets, over 100 billion bits, personal gigacastle made of smaller castles as a foundation and a castle on top for an overlook (I can basically see everything)
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Master of all know arts, crafts, skills, magic, power, ponies, multidimensional politics and sometimes cooking
Gigasupermega destruction spell called MAGLADA (similar to the yield of a W80 thermonuclear warhead), IMSHALLAH which teleports you to a microdimensional void where no life exists nor survives, ADALGAM which is the inverse power of MAGLADA which creates a black hole in which everything is sucked in and potentially world ending.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 9, 1997
Last Login:
December 9, 2023
Member Since:
March 3, 2020
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