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Queen Corrupted

Female. Lives in Clarksville,  Equestria. Born on January 30, 2001
Misc. RP Information
* If you do (-) or (*), I do not mind!
* I prefer at least 4 or more sentences to work with something.
* ERP Is not my thing anymore, but I am not completely saying no to it.
* I can only play as Corrupted, I do not to multi-character RPs anymore. Sorry.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot or Manhatten
Title(s) / Rank
Commander in Royal Guards
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Left: Gray-blue, Right: Purple (prosthetic)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Purple shield with two swords forming an "X"
Design Description
Has short hair with a gradient of brown to blonde. On her shoulderblade, she has a tattoo of a ribbon wrapping around a shield, and on the ribbon, it says "EQUESTRIAN SOLDIER". She has white earrings and she sometimes wears her scarf given by her mother or her armor.
Any guards, music, night time, art.
Daytime, any alcoholic drinks (wine is fine)
Detailed Personality
She takes the topic of war or family very seriously. When she can, she tends to help other ponies in need. She has a personality and mindset of a military member. Any orders higher than her she respects, though she does not appreciate lower classes telling her what to do.
Soldier / Royal Guard
Very skilled. She was born and raised in Manehattan and despite the struggles of her earlier years, she made high scores on most of her work and she is known to be very talented.
Detailed History
Corrupted has been through a lot in her younger years. She was raised with her younger sister and her parents. Her father was mostly stationed on the other side of Equestria most of her life. Instead, her mother and her sister gave her company. As she grew up, she was made fun of because of her becoming gullible and more and more anti-social. Growing up later, she was immediately drafted for war due to the loss of soldiers from a sudden attack. She was held hostage, and later a prisoner to the t... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Basic skills of a Royal Guard member.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 30, 2001
Last Login:
April 4, 2018
Member Since:
February 22, 2018
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