Misc. RP Information
My Character has a lot of magic experience she can call upon having learned every time great mother had sent her to a place to resolve the problems there. She isn't without her flaws as often self doubt is a major issue she has.There is many magics and abilities she once tried but didn't like as such being more powerful than discord could ever hope to be. She didn't like that power so she simple walked away from it and gave it up. She still has that understanding and the skills it gave her. She ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Unicorn sactaury, Canterlot, and Ponyville
Title(s) / Rank
Harmonic Crystal researcher/engineer/, Wonderbolt captain
Skin / Coat Color
Lite pinkish
Eye Color
Deep blue eyes
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A heart with 3 stars on it with wings
Design Description
Secret Daughter of Princess Celestia and Daughter of an Alicorn by the name of Q'oostehwin , She is also the twin sister of Cadance. Luna had her own two twins Dawn Light and Emerald Night. Her early life of was spent learning at Celestia's school for gifted unicorn to the Clouds Dale flight school. She made lots friends during her early years. She then went to live with her father for a time and continue her education among the unicorns of the sanctuary learning about time magic and many other ... View More
Learning new magic,making friends, and reading a good book
I don't like greed or bullies
Detailed Personality
Always willing to help out others and if I see danger i act as the shield to protect others from danger
Element of harmony, Wonderbolt Captain,
Great Mother of the unicorns taught about time magic and i went to different schools learning about different kinds of magic. From Nithinil to the crystal cities of the atlanteans. Celestia school for gifted unicorns, Flight camp
Detailed History
She always has the habit of putting herself in danger to protect those she cares about. She engaged Tirek to buy Twilight time. It almost cost her life.Dawn had met a lonely mare after she heard her story and how she no family Dawn adopted Air Lightning Rush as her sister.
Assets / Bits / Property
Do have a small house in ponyville with a workshop in the basement. The house is on the western side of the town. Its red with blue door. She invested a few items though most will never know. Has whole library of books she has written though she used a machine to transcribe what she learned into book format. Then made it so the average pony could read said books. Only for her Mom to make said collection a secret so as to protect her daughter privacy.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Runes and magical research. Fighting and magical skills i learned while I was part of the Great Mother Guard. Shifting between bipedal and quad. Doing so is just altering ones harmonic state between one or the other.Can be a mediator. Often prefer talking over fighting given my past experience. Full understanding of magic in many different forms. If I need to I can change the vibration of a person or object or disrupt the magic flow of the vibration with sonmeone or something.
Liquid crystal magic, Time magic and the understanding of how to perceive it, full understating of healing magic, Advanced magics, Portals, Elfven and dwarven magic and engineering. Harmonics tie in everything from portals to simple healing spells. Time magic is all about understanding where you fit into the grand scheme of things and know you exist in all points of time. Time is like river and you act as fish within that river. Its mostly about focus and practice. Magic has no limits. The only... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 4, 1977
Last Login:
July 31, 2024
Member Since:
September 9, 2018
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