Misc. RP Information
Nitro mentioned a old mine shaft under Hawker's home. Put Oblivion, the last remnenat of the Thing virus, in there once it's not found on the surface. The entrance will be through a cave.Possible forums RP: The virus will start at a lab deep under ground, hidden from all eyes except those that need to know. It escapes somehow. Those in the RP are part of a spec ops team, sent to a village to find out why everyone dissapears. One maybe two NPC's, an asshole (in every horror movie) and a medic (Un... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Soaring in skies over Holoshades. At his place of work.
Title(s) / Rank
Phsychaitric doctor.
Skin / Coat Color
Nice light green mane, and dark green coat.
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi, Dystopia, Post-apocalyptic
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Needle.
Design Description
With a sleek build and strong looking wings, his face is often set in the resting...bugger face in public. Scowls sometimes when annoyed. On the ground his hoof falls are loud mostly, and slow. But in the sky he is quick and silent. Moving like the wind.
Flying in general. Reading horror books. Larping.
Raisons. Peaches.
Detailed Personality
He's very unsure around other ponies...slow to trust, but loyal to the end once you earn it. Course, you have to earn it first. Says very little, but watches very closely. He can lead when he wants to, but prefers to follow when around new ponies he hasn't met. Socially awkward by nature. He loves his job, being a psychiatric doctor. He likes to think he's helping ponies, even though he's really just....causing issues to say the least. He ignores the naysayers though, after all: What do they no ... View More
Phsycology doctor.
Pony equivalent of high school. post-secondary university.
Detailed History
Hawker's childhood was...difficult to say the least. He had a very rough time making friends. The other most of the other fillies found him too weird, too different to interact with, with only a few others choosing to interact with him. Most of the time he was alone, sometimes by choice. Other times not so much. It didn't really improve much as he got older, still acting strange to most other ponies and feeling, intensely so at times, un-wanted. Still, he had a small group of friends whom he cou... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
One single, solitary house, a small office on his lawn.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Flight. Fighting in flight.