Misc. RP Information
I'll do most site appropriate RPs with this character, though this version of Nar isn't quite like the one you may be used to. He's an entirely different character, and will not know characters the other Nar does. He is meant to be a fairly powerful character, so I'd like to avoid any PvP scenarios, as I'm not a big fan of making people fight unfair battles.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Mess Hall, Training Grounds
Title(s) / Rank
"The Executioner", Town Guard/Mage
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Anthro
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A fist made of stone
Design Description
Nar is of average height for a stallion his age, but is a fair bit more muscled than most. His fur is a mute-blue, and typically somewhat dirty. His hair is long, scraggly, and has a habit of covering his eyes when not covered. He usually keeps it stuffed under his black banded straw hat. He typically can be found wearing a black coat with yellow trim over a simple, Ponyville Guard tunic. His face is usually not without a smirk, grin, or smile on it.
Fighting, Eating, Strong Foes, Dirt Naps
Criminals, Weak 'Villians', Open Seas
Detailed Personality
Nicknamed "The Executioner" of the Ponyville guard, Nar is named so with good reason. While usually a fairly relaxed, bright, and cheerful around civilians, his entire demeanor takes a drastic shift when dealing with criminals. While most of the Ponyville Guard attempt diplomacy, and non-violent means of de-escalating situations with criminals before resorting to force, Nar simply skips to what he considers the good part. While a criminal may be able to reason with other guards, they only have t... View More
Guard, Mage
Frakkas, Ysgrim.
Basic reading, and writing comprehension.No formal education.
Detailed History
Nar's origins before he moved to Equestria are murky, and lack much detail. From what Nar would tell you, he grew up in a small farming village called Frakkas, then moved to the city at the age of 13 to pursue a career as a guild mage. He claims to have fought his way up the ranks of the guild, until he became one of the guild's top 5 mages. After 12 years as a guild mage, Nar supposedly met a mage from Equestria, who told him of a land where 'peace, harmony, and friendship', ruled. Curious, and... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A few personal affects from his home country.A collection of superhero comics he keeps in his footlocker in the barracks."Mama Mesquite's BBQ" Lifetime Loyalty Card.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Hand to Hand CombatEarth MagicDefense
Many Earth Magic spells, most of which he has yet to reveal to his comrades.
Basic Info
Last Login:
February 15, 2025
Member Since:
March 10, 2021
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