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Sacred Blade

Male. Lives in  Cloudsdale,  Equestria. 34 years old
Misc. RP Information
For my potential RP partners, I'll admit I'm a little picky. I enjoy narrative, paragraph (4-7 sentences) to multi-paragraph roleplay. Decent grammar and punctuation are a plus -- we're all not perfect so mistakes aren't going to end things. Promise! I'm certainly not perfect. If you have trouble capitalizing your i's, using punctuation, etc ALL the time, I probably won't find much interest in the RP. I also highly prefer story-oriented play first and foremost, regardless of where the end might ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Title(s) / Rank
Celestial Guard: Second Lieutenant (2Lt)
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Adventure, Slice of Life, Romance, MLP Only, Feral
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Chillaxing, Mares, Parties, Nature, Music (Jazz / Orchestra)
Stuffy Nobility, Whining, Diamond Dogs (they smell)
Detailed Personality
Detailed personality? Naw, it's pretty simple!
Sarcastic. Friendly. Warm. Flirty, Stoic and Serious when necessary.
Guard / Mercenary / Sellsword
Detailed History
I don't like spelling out the background/history as I'd rather it unfold naturally in RP. This also allows my OC to be flexible in RP scenarios. For example: I might have him part of the Royal Guard in one scenario, a mercenary in another, or a pony retired from the Guard altogether.
But if you want a 'default' history of this cool dude:
1) Trained at an impressionable age in Japonese [Neighponese?] pegasi arts (Emphasis on Defense, Deflection, and Counters)
2) Joined the Celestial Guard (a S... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Katana [Enchanted in some scenarios, usually not]
Set of Light/Medium armor, emphasis on the front where most of his enemies will be
A vacant home in Ponyville while enlisted or away on mission(s). Can often be found in the local barracks. Free albeit tight accommodations!
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
*Sword fighting (Katana)
*Hoof to Hoof combat
*Heavy use of pegasi magic (air/weather manipulation)
*Very agile
*Relative Pitch / Able to play piano by ear, for the most part.
*Cannot read music notation with any semblance of speed but he is still practicing!
*Loves jazz! Or anything with a bit of hop to it!
Basic Info
Last Login:
14 hours ago
Member Since:
December 5, 2017
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