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Female. Lives in  Equestria. 33 years old
Misc. RP Information
Feel free to roleplay with me, either here or on discord!
SageLight, an undead mare that was raised from the dead by a very inexperienced necromancer named Daniel Greyburg that just so happen to take SageLight into his lab to study.
Official Account of SageLight
Common locations your character will be
Everfree Forest, Ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
Lightish Blue (sometimes Dark Blue)
Eye Color
Dark Red
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A bitten brain
Design Description
Sage is currently standing at around 7 to 8 feet high, her teeth are razor sharp, eyes bloodshot red, fur messy and beaten, mane long and messy. She usually comes around in a dark, grey, cloak, along with a dagger and a saddle pack to carry stuff in. "Y'know, I'm just your average zombie!"
hubby material, Nutella, a good fight!
"Yeah, I probably worked at a pizza place? Have no idea."
"After what happened, I forgot what school I went to. I don't remember if I had even graduated yet."
Detailed History
"I could only remember so much of what had happened before I turned into a creature. I guess, I guess I was just your regular filly attending class like everyone else. I had good grades, good friends, a healthy lifestyle to live by until...."
Basic Info
Last Login:
December 20, 2023
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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