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Sage Brush

Male. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on April 7, 1997
Misc. RP Information
Third Person Narrative
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
In the forest, by the forest, under a shady tree.
Skin / Coat Color
Dusty Brown, Sage Green
Eye Color
Light Green
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Mystery, Fantasy
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Mortar and Pestle
Design Description
His mane and fur are muted shades of plants that grow in chaparral.
His hooves are stained green from his time spent working with herbs, and his unkempt mane may even kick up a puff of pollen if he has spent enough time gathering ingredients in the woods.
Detailed Personality
Calm, distant, but warm-hearted.
Unorthodox training from a mysterious mentor.
Detailed History
Classically trained or not, his lush wealth of knowledge must come from somewhere he calls home in the Everfree Forest, but that life is one he'd left behind to help awaken the old ways of co-existing with nature to the rest of ponykind.
Assets / Bits / Property
Shoulder harness for baskets.
Rare and exotic herbs, mushrooms, spices, and more.
A bagful of bits.
Quartz mortar and pestle.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Potent Potables
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 7, 1997
Last Login:
February 14, 2025
Member Since:
August 26, 2023
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