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Female. Lives in Bitter Springs,  Salt Lick City,  Equestria. Born on November 3, 1984
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Tartarus, Canterlot
Title(s) / Rank
Princess of Compassion
Skin / Coat Color
dusky pink
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
blue green fire with some kind of black brazier around it
the supernatural,
spiders, coldness, explosions, ponies who are mean to ghosts
Detailed Personality
I'm quiet, I try and remain calm as much as possible. Ponies tell me I stare and I talk slowly, because I try and suppress my emotions. I like running and flying and exploring things, I like adventuring.
Overseeing Tartarus, the supernatural, witch, shop owner
Salt Lick City
Certificate in Animation from Salt Lick University
Assets / Bits / Property
One shop, The Night Side, in Ponyville full of cursed and haunted objects, not many, former teachers' house in Salt Lick City (not mine, but I can stay there)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 3, 1984
Last Login:
April 5, 2023
Member Since:
February 12, 2018
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