Sapphire Bloom

Female. Lives in  Human World,  Beyond Equestria. Born on August 27, 1995
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Lakes, hot springs and pools.
Title(s) / Rank
Water Fairy
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
No Cutiemark
Design Description
Sapphire is a cat-like creature that has a watery mane and cute fluffy white body, she normally doesn't show up around crowded areas. She is not a social butterfly at all, in fact she serves a important role in her world. Despite her innocent looks, she does a lot of dangerous tasks. She has to swim, travel and dive in different oceans and lakes. She does this because she has purifying powers or magic, it's really unexplained how she purifies the water. She does this so it isn't polluted or dirt... View More
Sapphire often likes to play wrestle, it is in her nature.
She doesn't really like being alone too long.
Detailed Personality
Sapphire is a curious, friendly, playful creature that loves to play with her friends. Any creature she is basically nice and friendly too, except for bullies. She is willing to be nice to the bully, but if the bully is bullying her friends or any other defenseless creature she will normally stand up for them and talk back to the bully. Mostly Sapphire easy to get along with friendly sensitive creature that loves to meet new friends.
No form of Education
Detailed History
Bio of Sapphire Bloom:
Sapphire was born in The Great Forest Meadows, she was raised by forest fairies and gained some sort of immunity to poisons and diseases. She is also ageless, she wasn't always ageless but she became ageless after she gained some fairy magic. She is half fairy, half cat, or whatever she is. So it makes sense that Sapphire has some fairy capabilities, such as hovering without wings and purifying water. She was special, she had healing powers. These healing powers were able ... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
August 27, 1995
Last Login:
September 9, 2024
Member Since:
November 3, 2019
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