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Silver Sparkle

Female. Lives in Snowbale,  Crystal Empire,  Equestria. Born on April 8, 2003
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Crystal Mountains, Yakyakistan, Crystal Empire
Title(s) / Rank
Snow Wizard, admires Snowdrop's work in creating snow
Skin / Coat Color
White coat with a hint of blue
Eye Color
Light, pretty blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Multiple snowflakes
Design Description
Silver Sparkle was raised outside of the Crystal Empire within the Yaket Mountain Range in a small town known as Snowbale. It's not as much of a town as it is a small village. Everyone within the village is related, but there are only two unicorns out of the eleven residents. These unicorns are Silver Sparkle and her mother, Dapple Frost. Silver Sparkle's special purpose is to study and create ice magic in order to maintain the fragile balance of cool and warm in her world.
Reading, Hot Cocoa, Magic, small wintery animals
Deserts, warm climates, people
Detailed Personality
Silver Sparkle is very shy and tends to stay to herself. She loves small animals who live around Snowbale in the Yaket Mountain Range. She is friends with members of her family and a few in the Crystal Empire, but she is not very social and prefers to stay home. She knows of most locations in Equestria and wants to visit them, as she spends a lot of time reading to herself, but she must work up her courage first.
Ice Mage/Wizard, Author, Creature Caretaker
She is self-taught and knows how to farm cold-growing vegetation like her family's Earth Ponies. She reads a lot, so like Twilight, she knows at least something on pretty much every subject.
Detailed History
Silver Sparkle was born in Snowbale and spends most of her time either alone or with her mother. Her family's Earth Ponies do most of the physical work, while she and her mother cast spells and research. Her favourite hobbies are reading and drinking cocoa in front of a warm fire place and going for long walks alone in the cold, winter snow.
Assets / Bits / Property
Snowbale, being a gifted wizard and wanting her books to reach the world, has many bits from travelling to the Crystal empire to trade her spellbooks for new ones. She has dozens (if not hundreds) of books on every subject you can think of. She has a small but homey cabin with her mother.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Silver Sparkle is a gifted wizard/mage and uses her talent to help equestria. She is an incredible author and keeps many journals/logs about her life. She has sold dozens of books in the Crystal Empire, but she rarely prints her books. She mainly sells only one copy of each book.
Silver Sparkle is a master of spells and magic and has many spellbooks; some she has written, some she has purchased. She has mainly temperature-related spells, but she knows most basic spells. If she were known of by Celestia, perhaps Twilight would have some competition...
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 8, 2003
Last Login:
October 27, 2018
Member Since:
October 27, 2018
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