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Female. Lives in miami,  Mount Aris,  Beyond Equestria. Born on April 26, 2007
Common locations your character will be
Mount aris, storm kings realm, ponyville, canterlot
Title(s) / Rank
Storm princess, queen novos niece, student of friendship
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Princess luna, her friends, stairs, the moon, gallus
Storm king, storm guards, queen chrysalis, being enslaved
Detailed Personality
Shy when she was younger, hyper during her teen years, calm and sometimes has a gothic personality, kind
queen in training to rule the stormlands, wife, mother
Storm kings realm/mount aris/ponyville/treehouse of harmony
Detailed History
Silverstream is a transfer student at Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship, and a cousin of Princess Skystar. Her natural form is a hippogriff, although she is able to transform into a seapony using the shard of pearl around her neck at will. Due to all the time she and her people spent hiding from the Storm King, she is enamored by everything around her, and is similar to Pinkie Pie in that she is easy to please and celebrates everyday things (or so she says that's what happened. Truth be to... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Taming cockatrices, astral projection, seeing the dead, healing the most fatally of wounds in her body, cannot die (immortal), communicate with animals
Invisibility spell
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 26, 2007
Last Login:
November 3, 2023
Member Since:
November 3, 2023
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