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Male. Lives in Nowhere,  Equestria. Born on May 29, 1999
Misc. RP Information
My means of roleplay is usually that of text only types of rp. Through this medium I have already crafted a few characters that I would not mind sharing with everyone whom would show interest in sharing in a roleplay with myself. My characters range from ocs to canon characters, ask for the list and I'd gladly share.
I have drawings of some of my characters, though they are nothing very special and I lack the actual funds to get them done by a person who is more artistically Inclined than myself.
Common locations your character will be
Nowhere - Seedly Hollow(Farm)
Title(s) / Rank
Fruit Farmer
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Forest green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Apple slice with droplets
Design Description
Skaush is a tall slender pony, a frame standing just under Big Mac in height if one to compare the two. His mane is a bit of a bushy style, though it is often that the back grows so long he is forced to tie it into a bun or ponytail. He lacks overly masculine traits, being that of super broad shoulders, a large well built chest, and a dominant physique. In its place, the Pegasus has a large set of impressive wings, which he uses far less than his pegasi brethren. His form is usually coated by a ... View More
Plants, animals, and peaceful surroundings
Violence, Harm, and Fire. Really dislikes fire
Detailed Personality
Skaush is a leaf in the wind. His personality could be summed up by the simple phrase as he suffers from almost crippling social anxiety. This became of him very early in his life due to circumstances regarding his family. Though he lacks the spine to speak directly with anypony, much less a mare, that doesn't define him as a pathetic incapable soul. Skaush will not hesitate to help a pony in need, regardless of whom they are or what their intentions are. This breathes the air of niceness at the... View More
Farm owner and unregistered animal doctor
Nowhere, born in woods
Skaush's education is nothing basic, being shut into the forest with merely his collection of books without distractions both helped him learn at his best, but also limit him in the worst. He understands advanced mathematics, pricing and the like, but he suffers from such things as understandings of magic, social interaction, and otherwise the understanding of the sciences involved with the world he inhabits. So he is wise, but he isnt a scientist's level, more along the line's of a spiritual he... View More
Detailed History
Skaush's life started with a tragedy as at the young age of 5 his family's forest had caught on fire through mysterious means. The origin was never found, but skaush was the sole survivor of the fire that took his mother, father, and elder sister away from him. He was then shifted out to a relative near dodge junction, where he had detached himself in order to not make ponies worry. His mind fractured, he would only speak in whispers to his guardian, until he was able to depart to his home, thou... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Skaush had inherited his farm, Seedly Hollow, from his parent's passing. Along with that came his pet dog, named Ash, which is a black wolf pup.
Skaush's bit count is fairly modest. Having disconnected himself from the outside world along with his farm, he basically has learned to live on his own. The area of his farm was perfect for planting herbs and fruit as it was along a dangerous stretch of land that ponies never chance treading on. The combination of the two factors previously mention neg... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 29, 1999
Last Login:
July 15, 2018
Member Since:
May 20, 2018
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