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Common locations your character will be
Near his Queen
Title(s) / Rank
Captain of the Skyguard, Queen Maev's Personal Bodyguards
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Sky Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Dark Clouds
Design Description
Smaller and more lightweight than your average pony being a Pegasus. Fionn more than makes up for his size by being incredibly fast and agile. His large grey wingspan allowing him to catch and control the wind under his wings with incredible accuracy. His mane and tail are long and very light blue like the sky on a cloudless day. His mane is slicked back and pulled tight into a tail behind his head to keep it out of his eyes during high speed flights. His coat is short, not leaving any of his sl... View More
Detailed Personality
All business while on duty. Don't play around. Follow orders. A fair bit uptight most of the time, despite being so young. That said, on rare occasions he does let his mane down in his own way while off duty. He loves his job and sees it as the greatest honor of his life. A bit of a workaholic he's eager to do anything and everything that's asked of him, going above and beyond his call. He closely follows a sort of chivalrous code that his Knighthood demands.
Personal Bodyguard
The Valley of Flowers
General Education as well as extensive combat training in all manner of weaponry.
Assets / Bits / Property
Gallowglass SwordLightweight plated armor
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 8, 1992
Last Login:
October 12, 2019
Member Since:
March 19, 2019
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