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Kris Magoolager

Male. Lives in Ponyville,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on December 25, 1997
Misc. RP Information
*realizes this is info about Role Plays* Well that’s funny.
I do love role play, however I tend to rather like role play with people 18+. Not because of that, you dirty pony’s. I started role play with bloodshed and murder which those types of RP I’d like to do in a PM.
I do have three OC’s that I can role play with. King, who is an Alicorn, male, single. Kristina, who is a Pegasus, Female, married. And Kris, who is a Dragonious that looks Unicorn, Male but wants to be female, single.
My main is... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
everfree forest, Dragon empire, Hospital, and chaos world
Title(s) / Rank
Brother of Discord
Skin / Coat Color
Neon orange
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A purple medical Cross
Design Description
Short origin story, my mother was a unicorn and my dad was a dragon. I was the rare born meaning I had a body like my mother’s. Me and my brother left the cave around the same time. He left for Canterlot while I stumbled onto a zebra hut and stopped a curse. The curse not only left my body invunarble to almost all forms of attack, but also knocked me into an alternite dimension to my home. I have no sense of touch thanks to the curse and I only have the ability to use three spells. Healing, Levi... View More
Anything different, Children, and a good fight
Loud noises, Changlings, and Curses
Detailed Personality
I’m a bit on the bubbly side, but I love alone time. I preferre the life of an introvert, but I appear like an extrovert that at occasion likes to cross dress.... I lost a brother and two nephews in my life and my special some pony. One day I hope to find another....... *sighs*
Doctor at Ponyville Hospital
Dragon Empire
All self taught really. While it’s true I can only levitate objects, heal other ponies and myself, and not by choice near indestructible, I’ve also been taught a bit of the world by princess Luna. When the sisters found out about me, Celestia just wanted to use me as a weapon. Luna taught me and treated me like a friend.
Detailed History
When I arrived in the new dimension, I was quickly taken in by Celestia and Luna. Luna granted me my freedom which annoyed Celestia on the account I look after my Nephew Fire-Starter. The dimension I was in, the pinkie pie and fluttershy was a bit..... murderous. One making cupcakes out of ponies and the other like some sort of Robin Hood Cannible. Saved Fluttershy and pinkie from themselves, but after that my life changed forever. I met Larry Time, stole the blue prints to the doctors Tardis, m... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
I have my house in ponyville and I don’t Unfortunally eat like a king...... I spend a lot of money on women’s clothing for myself
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
My max Levitation strength is 6 Moons and I can bring ponies back from the dead (Then immediately pass out into a 3 day coma, waking up with an extreme Migraine. It’s like yay, but something I don’t ever want to do)
Extreme Levitation, Skin shielding, and Healing. Boy I suck
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 25, 1997
Last Login:
August 7, 2018
Member Since:
August 7, 2018
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