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Common locations your character will be
Everfree, Canterlot, ponyville.
Skin / Coat Color
Dark grey.
Eye Color
Lavender, purple sclera.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Rift is a stallion of medium stature, not particularly bulky but not frail. Rift has a hair color of lavender and darker purples mixed with lighter violets, a grey coat and a vacant expression practically glued upon his visage.
Learning, Magic, alcohol, flora, and social interaction.
Solitude, messes.
Detailed Personality
Rift is a rather aloof unicorn, normally lost in thought from each experience, making constant mental notes. This often leads to him outright ignoring others, speaking vague thoughts, and general social awkwardness.
A freelance herbalist.
Sirius major/Everfree forest.
No formal education.
Detailed History
Rift is a starchild, a being created from the power of a star and thrust into physical being from a four dimensional plane of existence where emotions and thoughts reign supreme. Through this physical form Rift is meant to gather information for the star Sirius major, which is sentient to a degree. (because I SAID so.) This information is used to help expand the thoughts and feelings into depths unknown to the massive entity. Thought its been thousands of years for Rift, only moments have passed... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Rift is rather poor at most magics, being able to perform basic telekinesis and telepathy. Beyond short range teleportation and weak shielding spells, Rift is a below average magic caster.
However, when linked to Rigel, Rift becomes an exceptional healer and speedster. When linked, Rift's perception of time and be slowed, allowing him to move and react to things otherwise difficult to see with the naked eye. Along with this, Rift is able to take a pony from the brink of death back to life, rep... View More
Ability names:
Waning Rift: His unique connection to magic allows Rift and Rigel to temporarily stunt the magic of those in the surrounding area. (Roll wisdom saving check, if failed all targets within 60ft are unable to cast any magical spells for one turn.)
Radius: 60ft,
dmg: 1d10
Invigorating tether: (concentration) Rift's connection to Rigel can be shared, allowing Rift to tether his connection to others. Rift must be perfectly still when casting this spell. Roll 2d10 to heal the targ... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
October 14, 1997
Last Login:
October 6, 2023
Member Since:
September 28, 2019
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