Misc. RP Information
//Howdy yo! Welcome to my profile! I have decided to make this in to a multi character account, which will involve my OCs and characters that I've created. So depending on which character is currently available, do ask me whom ya want to rp with and we'll figure something out.//Now, I have some minor rules that should be taken in to consideration, if ya wish to rp with me. Not many, but a few to keep in mind.1.If I ask for an rp, I will most likely be the one to start it. If it's the other way a... View More//Howdy yo! Welcome to my profile! I have decided to make this in to a multi character account, which will involve my OCs and characters that I've created. So depending on which character is currently available, do ask me whom ya want to rp with and we'll figure something out.//Now, I have some minor rules that should be taken in to consideration, if ya wish to rp with me. Not many, but a few to keep in mind.1.If I ask for an rp, I will most likely be the one to start it. If it's the other way around, the same is expected for you.2.I'm more or less flexible when it comes to rp's, so when wanting to choose a genre to rp, do talk with me and we'll come up with something that both can agree on.3. If I don't answer on a roleplay in say, a couple of hours, I may be either busy with something else or away from my computer or anything of the likes of that, so there I ask ya to be patient with me. If I don't answer in a couple of days, weeks, or even up to a month, then I may have missed a response and it's worth giving me a reminding message. If I don't answer at all to a message, then figure that something is wrong. (Long one this one)4.Most rp's I do are non-canon, just putting it out there, since I feel like certain canons limit myself and my rp partners, which I don't want to entirely. So keep in mind that will do rp's that isn't so usual around here, within humility of course, I'm no savage.Characters:Spectrum Wave (Pegasus)(Male)(Main character):
Spectrum is a pegasus pony hailing from Cloudsdale, the heaven city of pegasi. An athletic and fit stallion, he likes to keep himself active a lot, but can tend to be rather relaxed when it comes to his free time. He works as a weather pony for the cloudsdale weather factory, but spends his free time to his own hobbies, which he hopes to one day make in to a profession. Loving the adrenaline, he involves himself in a lot of dangerous activities, which may potentionally even risk his own well being. He can be a pony that you can talk freely to in a sense, but careful with what you say or certain things can get him off with you. Try to understand him, his personality, and level with him, and he may be totally chill with you.Eye color: Silver gray.Mane and Tail color: White with Rainbow colors.Coat color: Dark gray.Cutiemark: A white swirl with a colorful wing sprouting out from the top.Likes: Lemons, Smoothies, Day and Night, the princesses, the wonderbolts, Sunrises and Sundowns, Chocolate, Swimming, Jokes, Talking with friends, adventures.Dislikes: Rude ponies, Ponies that thinks themselves better than others, Overly done make-up on mares, Stallions who thinks poorly of mares. Mares who thinks poorly of stallions.Occupation: Weather pony, Urban StuntponyTitle: Daredevil.Height: A bit above an ordinary sized stallion.Hometown: CloudsdaleCommon location: Cloudsdale, Ponyville, Plains of Ponyville.Relationship: In a relationship with a mare named Water Palette(Canon)(If non-canon, he's not in a relationship)--------------------Neon Spark (Unicorn)(Male):
Eye color: Yellow (Originally light purple).Mane and Tail color: Yellow and dark gray (Originally blue and purple).Coat color: Light gray.Cutiemark: Three lightblue stars with two ribbons swirling around underneath them.Likes: Magic of many kinds, reading books, tea, alchemy, potion brewing, herbalism, adventures, travels. (Ask for more specific questions of likes)Dislikes: Rude ponies, Ponies that thinks themselves better than others, Stallions who thinks poorly of mares, Mares who thinks poorly of stallions. Being interrupted when reading or doing any of his works or experiments.Occupation: Freelance Scholar.Title: Sorcerer, Magician, Scientist.Height: A bit above an ordinary sized stallion.Hometown: CanterlotCommon location: Ponyville, Canterlot, Everfree ForestRelationship: In a relationship(Canon)(If non-canon, he's not in a relationship)--------------------Venator:
--------------------Sten Oak:
--------------------Infernus Moltencore:https://img00.deviantart.net/af29/i/2018/217/f/9/infernus_upclose_by_spectrumwave-dcjb919.jpg--------------------
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Common locations your character will be
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Skills / Notable Talent(s)