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Misc. RP Information
outside of open roleplay on statuses - everything is treated as taking place in a canon unless specifically stated
Roleplay is always available, and response times are heavily affected by busy-ness. Busy is about every weekday >:c
Please do send me a direct message if you want to contact me! I don't use the IMs beyond tiny hehe-hahas and keep it closed most of the time.
Everything that Ephemeria does in the main feed may be an exaggeration of parts of her, and might not actually represent her true ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Cafes, parks, the market, her flower store.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Peachy Peach
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Slice of Life, Mystery, Horror, Romance, Fantasy, Modern
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Claytonia flower with a four-point star.
Design Description
Ephee has a soft pink coat, soft to the touch and definitely taken care of whenever possible. A patch of varying shades of fur on her hips forms the image of a claytonia flower accompanied by a white four-point star near the top of the flower.
Her hair appears to be really well-kept. It's a forced necessity, given her hair colour accentuates any hint of dirt that gets collected on it. A between of ivory and white dove that quickly takes on a tiiiiinge of grey after a quarter of the day.
On the col... View More
Food, nature, water. She has an insane interest in plants.
Stale food. You either eat it when fresh or don't. >:c
Detailed Personality
[using this for more of a 'short' bio instead]
Ephemeria is caring, to say the least, almost always matching the energy of those around her with her form of positivity, ranging from being constantly attentive to jokingly unconcerned. In either case, she tries to care for those around her without too many prerequisites to earn it.
In her eyes, status is determined by achievement. She could not care less if one were royalty or a child of the most heinous of bad actors unless they revealed themself t... View More
She went through the normal system, with a large portion of her relevant knowledge pre-adulthood coming from her relatives. Everything else comes from books!
Certified to handle hazardous arcane plants.
Ephemeria's List of Known Plants (non-exhaustive and she may only know partials of the details written)
Volume I - View More
Detailed History
i am 100% lazy, roleplay with her
But now with lazier footnotes!
- Parents from a village outside of Equestria further into the west, father of Ephemeria who she knows very little of was all cool and sort of warrior Unicorn until gone valiantly against spooky monsters, Pegasus mother was a self-made outcast immediately soon after (Vermillion Laceleaf) going the brief travelling healer route with her sister following as with a separate interest in nature and plants (Cherry Spring, Ephee's blood aun... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
She owns a house in Ponyville, located in the middle of Verdure Lane - a prospering community containing plenty of fellow botany and farm-related folks. The papers technically state her aunt Cherry Spring as the owner but she has free reign with whatever happens to it. Not too big, with two bedrooms, a master and a guest.
A flower store near the marketplace that's not too near or far from the town's activities.
A rather large greenhouse a good ten minutes away from her shop, containing more plants... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Natural stealthiness. Sneaky and thin hooves!
Agile. Ephemeria can disorient those who are either trying to chase her or catch her from a close distance, which only lasts for a few minutes at best before her fitness slaps her in the face. While she may seem like the last individual to have a knack for combat, her footwork and flexibility are features not to be taken lightly.
An interesting mishmash of various martial arts with questionable execution, primarily used to trip over or stun dangers get... View More
Common spells; e.g - levitation, simple pyrokinesis, illumination
Intermediate combat; e.g - projectiles and shields, using concentrated magic to slash about, conjuring basic flames. These spells are hard for her to use for 'conventional' applications such as hitting objects and cutting down vines, finding herself requiring to have a lot of focus behind them. The situation is different when desperation or conviction fuels her.
Ironically has an affinity for pyrokinetic magic despite her talents be... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 1, 1998
Last Login:
March 14, 2025
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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