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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on March 12, 1993
Misc. RP Information
Branwen's profile looks a little barren on here, but don't fret! She's been developed decently over years, I'm just too lazy to upload everything! :3
Common locations your character will be
Her home in Canterlot, or somewhere in or around the city.
Skin / Coat Color
A light beige.
Eye Color
A deep sapphire blue.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Three dark ravens in a circle.
Design Description
A shorter mare with a lithe body shape, a light beige in color from hoof to head. Her naturally curly mane is a light auburn shade, reaching just down to her shoulders; though she does wear it up in braids at times.
Roleplay and ask her!
Roleplay and ask her!
Detailed Personality
A very inquisitive and studious mare, Branwen is fascinated by new things and will make any and every attempt to understand them. On a social aspect, she can often come across as naive with many innuendos or jokes flying over her head. While normally kind and good at heart, Branwen would most likely fit within the 'Lawfully Neutral' category.
Mage: A user and student of the arcane arts.
Birth: Unknown. Raised: Canterlot.
Home schooled by her adoptive father, a mage and scholar, in; basic math, language, writing, history. Then taught advance forms of magic as well.
Detailed History
//I may put this in later. If you're curious about it though, just ask me some questions!
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 12, 1993
Last Login:
September 6, 2022
Member Since:
May 8, 2019
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