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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on June 24, 1997
Misc. RP Information
Her name is Crystal Moonlight.
Common locations your character will be
Anywhere in Equestria, or her home island really.
Title(s) / Rank
Not interested in titles.
Skin / Coat Color
A rare jet black.
Eye Color
A shade of crimson.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A crescent, a star, a surrounding circle, and lines across.
Design Description
A mare with a very dark black coat, and hair a few shades lighter with natural crimson tips the same color as her eyes.
Her cutie mark is a light grey crescent moon, a star like shape the same color centered on it, and a larger white circle surrounding both shapes, and white lines criss-crossing the circle, over the two gray shapes.
Her sister, books, magic, her sister, the people back home.
Bullies, discrimination, being used, superficial things.
Detailed Personality
A mare who likes to give strangers the benefit of the doubt, it isn't easy to earn Crystal Moonlight's trust. However once you do, she will always be loyal to you. Despite usually preferring to simply be a listener in conversations and having a quiet, respectful demeanor, don't be fooled. She is fiercely protective of those she cares about, and will not hesitate to jump in and help them. And you certainly don't want to see her when her anger is turned on you, something her close friends and rela... View More
The mare everyone on Kiawah Island comes to for magic help.
Kiawah Island, an small isle off of Equestria's South coast.
Has read every book she can get her hooves on, and is mostly self educated in magic and other various subjects. Has been and graduated from the small school on the island, but was dissatisfied with the limited resources and knowledge, which is why she turned to self learning.
Has a very expert grasp on magic both in theory and practice, a bit unusual due to her unorthodox way of gaining knowledge.
Detailed History
In terms of interesting events in her life, she doesn't have much to speak of due to living on an island until adulthood.
Earned her cutie mark later in life than most, the mark appearing after she had graduated from school and when she decided to learn magic on her own. She also still doesn't quite understand it's meaning, despite thinking it over quite often after getting it.
Her only related by blood relatives she knows of are her sister and grandfather, both of whom also live on the island.
Des... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Her magic, level head, and intelligence.
Various unrelated spells because of her varied learning. Knows basic spells, along with certain advanced ones such as teleportation.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 24, 1997
Last Login:
November 13, 2018
Member Since:
September 23, 2018
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