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Princess Silky ❤ · Public Relations

Your local huggable silly filly! /)

Female. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria.
Misc. RP Information
Hey guys! First of all, if you're into the MLP lore and RP, then I am so happy to meet you! I am looking forward to making new friends and new memories through adventures and storylines that maybe we can share together if our characters are compatible for it to happen naturally. ;~;
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot, Ponyville, Everfree Forest
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Light pink with yellow hues on her wings and hooves
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
(work in progress) ! Undiscovered
Design Description
Alright so I've realized that my first piece of art of hers is a bit of a misrepresentation. She's not into poison, she's just being a derp in that one moment by adding a mixture she isn't supposed to. It represents the tarot card "the fool." My challenge was to make pony art of her in all the rest of the 78 arcana. But I digress.
She's a pegasus who is fascinated by magic! She feels she should have been born a unicorn but because she is a pegasus, she fiddles a lot with magic in other ways, li... View More
Adventure, mystery, flying, magic -- anything to do with it!
Rudeness, darkness, malicious intent, tragedies
Detailed Personality
Very quiet, soft and reserved. She doesn't approach many people unless she feels a warm vibe from them or feels there might be something about them that calls to her.
However, once you get to know her, she's very loud, playful, sweet and even competitive.
Work in progress
Canterlot, I believe
Detailed History
Well, she started off as a very curious pony. She loved nature so she would always be outside. Then she'd explore the flowers and the plants around her, discovering that each one had a potential and magical property. She loves magic -- but she's not a unicorn. So she would try to reap magic in little forms like with herbs, plants, silly reactions like poison joke, etc.
Eventually, she became so talented in studying these properties that she got her cutie mark! (Btw that was an exciting moment ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Studying properties in plants as well as gems and magical items
Basic Info
Last Login:
March 22, 2025
Member Since:
December 28, 2019
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