Common locations your character will be
The Castle of the Two Sisters, Everfree Forest, Ponyville
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
baby blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
yellow heart with a feather through the middle
Design Description
Stormfeather is average in height and build. However, her hooves are white, and she has the coat pattern of a blanket appaloosa, with white dapples covering her hindquarters resembling frost or snowfall. Her main characterizing feature is her larger-than-average wings, which resemble those of Twilight Sparkle when she became an Alicorn.
Stormfeather did not engage in higher education, as she prefers to learn on her own. However, she is a philomath, and has an extremely wide variety of interests. For this reason, she finds it impossible to commit to a typical career, and refers to herself as a scholar for lack of a better term.
Assets / Bits / Property
Because she doesn't make much money, Stormfeather has very little except what is given to her.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 16, 1995
Last Login:
March 3, 2023
Member Since:
April 29, 2021
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