Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
Anywhere he can stick his nose into trouble.
Title(s) / Rank
Storyteller, Adventurer, and all around Good Guy.
Skin / Coat Color
Coat is a dark ash grey color.
Eye Color
Emerald eyes.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
An open book with a tower rising from one page.
Design Description
Storybook is an average Unicorn Stallion, around 23 in age, a tad scrawny for his own liking, but that’s life on the road for ya. He always wears his cap, which upon closer inspection is actually a green, woolen blanket fastened over his shoulders with a broach that bares his cutie mark. His horn is slightly above average in length, really, you’d have to really look to notice. His dark blue mane is usually messy, but at times he fashions it into a pony tail that hangs over a shoulder should he n... View More
Discovering, telling stories, learning new stories.
Creatures who abuse their power, bullies.
Detailed Personality
Storybook is a gentle and usually carefree soul, preferring to go to whatever horizon he sets his sights on. He has a keen eye for the subtle beauty in things, and tends to dismiss what he considers to be “too much”. This leans toward things like fancy clothes designed to catch suitor’s attention, make up, and especially perfume. Though he’d never fling a direct insult unless attacked himself, and even then he uses cleverly chosen words and reverse psychology to confuse them. He absolutely detes... View More
Storyteller, Adventurer.
Storybook received a fairly standard education until he completed primaries, then he decided to pack his things and see the world. Surprisingly, his exceptional talent as an illusionist was for the most part self taught, with expirements here and there to test himself.
Assets / Bits / Property
All he has is what carries with him on his back. This includes books, paper and quills to write down new stories he hears, basic medical kit, non perishable food, tools to make fire, and a few other things he won’t openly talk about. He only carrIes the bits he needs to make it to the next town, and he doesn’t own any property, as he travels a lot.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Storybook’s main talent centers around telling stories, using his knowledge of illusions to help his audience visualize what is going on, almost like watching a movie. This knowledge of illusions also allows him to project images of ponies and other creatures anywhere he can see, though this comes at a cost. The bigger and more realistic the illusion, the more it drains him to maintain. If he keeps it up for too long, he could pass out and get a bad nosebleed.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 12, 1994
Last Login:
May 15, 2023
Member Since:
March 3, 2019
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