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Sunset Shimmer

Female. Lives in Canterlot,  Human World,  Beyond Equestria. Born on January 8, 1986
Misc. RP Information
Uh hi there! Names Sunset Shimmer former student of Princess Celestia and Unicorn turned Human after fleeing through a portal to the human world and yes I know I’ve done some bad things in the past including this world too but I’ve turned over a new leaf now heh.
On a side note I’m a student here at Canterlot High School, and a rhythm guitarist for the band The Rainbooms with my friends that have taught me everything about the magic of friendship and im hoping that you’ll be my friend too if you ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot High, Mall, Ponyville(Pony Universe)
Title(s) / Rank
Working on it
Skin / Coat Color
Light Orange
Eye Color
Light green eyes or Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Sunset
Design Description
Working on it.
Playing Guitar for the Rainbooms, Hanging with my friends,
Being alone, My mean old self
Detailed Personality
Working on it (coming soon)
Student at Canterlot High School, Rainbooms' rymthist guitar
Goes to Canterlot High
Detailed History
Assets / Bits / Property
My own apartment with a bed and everything. My guitar and amp to go with it, my journal book to write to Princess Twilight from time to time. Also my friends too and my Element of Empathy heh.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Not sure as I’m no longer a pony and I’ve found my home here in the human world now but if I’m being honest but I’m very grateful to have my friends by my side to help me.
Spells? Really? I mean yes when I’m a unicorn but I’m no longer one right now.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 8, 1986
Last Login:
August 27, 2024
Member Since:
May 21, 2021
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