Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Blue (formerly)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A blue shield with a flame inside it
Design Description
Grey fur with burn patches on his chest, face, and legs. Blue to silver hair and a wrap around his eyes.
Blacksmithing. Walks around the city blocks. Pizza.
Anything that could startle him.
Detailed Personality
Surtr is quiet, cautious. Mostly due to his accident, he’s somewhat riddled with anxiety.
College and guard training
Detailed History
Surtr was a fire mage in the guard for a good while, until one day he attempted to cast a new spell he had tried to come up with. This spell failed, rather dramatically and left the stallion covered in frontal burns along with his eyes being seared in the process. With that, he left the guard and went to be a blacksmith where he uses his magic sense to know what is around him, at least just a few feet around his body.
Assets / Bits / Property
His smithy and his house
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Once was a talented fire mage. Mediocre blacksmith
Fire spells galore. Along with the basic unicorn spells like levitation. Has magic sense spell to “see” his way around, albeit just a few feet around him.