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Supernova Frost

Female. Lives in  Dragon Lands,  Equestria. Born on May 2, 2001
Skin / Coat Color
Blue, Silvery, White
Eye Color
Purple to Pink
Design Description
A silvery-blue/blue-white dragon bat with pale blue freckles in random places on body. Hardened hooves and small headbutting horns, ready to headbutt a tree to space. Bat wings rest on back, always folded and never used unless falling off a tree or just falling. Dragon tail that includes sharp spines, ready to swimg around and yeet a tree. Dark blue glasses sit on snooter, and earrings sit in ears. A cross, two gold studs, and an ear cuff. Mane has a constant flow to it. Colored with pink to pur... View More
Cats, her boyfriend, climbing and sleeping in trees
the ocean, spicy things, sometimes scary things
Detailed Personality
Born to a dragon and a changeling, she was the miracle child and came with some extra traits, such as the bat in her. She, as well as her whole family, learned at a young age that she has two forms, thanks to her moms changeling magic. As she grew older, she developed more traits from her dads side, such as the scales, the fire breath, the night vision, the tail spines, tiny headbutting horns, and the urge to hoard stuffed animals. As a young kid, she was able to adventure and escape from her pa... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 2, 2001
Last Login:
February 2, 2019
Member Since:
August 28, 2018
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