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Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on February 18, 2007
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Skin / Coat Color
light purple with black and white spots scattered all over.
Eye Color
a soft shade of dark and light blue.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A black music note entwined with a red lightning bolt
Design Description
The coat is soft and silky, the horn is long whenever syra uses magic it has a soft dim glow to it. When she uses all of her heart it glows brighter and has a purple-ish white color to it. Syra's coat is always warm. She also has a scar across her cutie mark because of her mom.
Making friends, dance and making music
negative people, drama, bitter candy and fighting
Detailed Personality
She's kind and caring. She'll never yell at anyone even if she's really upset. Her voice is soft, gentle, and musical. Every time she speaks it sounds like she's singing a soft lullaby.
Syra is adventurous and daring. If you had a dangerous or fun task for her she'll do it in a flash. She's smart and quick to react to something.
a Musician and a wizard
When her "dad" found her he taught her everything she needed to know, so in other words. Syra was homeschooled or learned things on her own.
Detailed History
Syra fell in love with music as a small filly she even expressed this to her mom once, her mother disapproved of her interest in music and told her that her magic is only suitable for top-quality things such as magick. Syra didn't care or listened to her mom, she practiced making music and earned her cutie mark! When she told her mom she was met with an unpleasant surprise. Her mom cut her cutie mark with glass as she yelled at Syra. Syra was in shock and ran far far away. At least until she was... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 18, 2007
Last Login:
April 23, 2023
Member Since:
March 29, 2023
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