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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on August 4, 1995
Misc. RP Information
Not a new user. I'm assuming the general population of this site knows the basics like not controlling my character, but I've been wrong before so we'll see.
This character does not fit neatly within the show canon, fits much better in more present day/future settings.
Common locations your character will be
Around the world and back again
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Ocean blue
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Adventure, Sci-Fi, Dystopia, Modern
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
That's not how griffons work.
Design Description
Tall even by griffon standards, nearly as tall as Celestia. Dense fur/feathers make her appear even bigger. Has a noticeably pear shaped figure. Avian half resembles harpy eagle (save for tail feathers which & longer and more parrot like, wings larger relative to body size too). Feline half more closely resembles snow leopard. Feathers are a pearlescent dark blue ending in orange to pink to turquoise fade tips, feathers are long enough to cover her back. Fur is dark grey with turquoise spots and... View More
Quite a long list.
Boredom, monotony, anyone with main character syndrome.
Detailed Personality
A friendly extrovert for the most part, not quite up for anything but up for just about anything within reason. Low attention span with zero interest in improving it. Has very deeply ingrained trust issues with anything long term and committed. While she's friendly for the most part she will not hesitate to tear someone to shreds, often literally, when someone starts holding stuff over her head or taking advantage of her. Don't let that stop you from talking to her though, as long as you're not ... View More
Varies depending on setting.
Dropped out of school during her teens, self taught after that.
Detailed History
Varies depending on setting but here are the constants. She was born as Xenon Arcadia Stellaris Chaser Rubicon, however she often goes by Chase or Starchaser. She comes from a very high income family, but her upbringing was lacking in good parenting. She found gainful employment working with other family members, especially since she's one of the few in her family who will actually talk to the general population. She leans towards being very nomadic, changing locations frequently.
Assets / Bits / Property
Varies, generally in an upper income bracket.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Generally anything tech related she'll at least be able to throw her 2 cents in a conversation and not sound dumb. She can speak multiple languages, and anything that moves fast will peak her interest.
ALAKABLAM! *detonates your bathroom*
Basic Info
Birth Date:
August 4, 1995
Last Login:
14 hours ago
Member Since:
December 2, 2024
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