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Tarsus of The Fourth Court

The Crown Prince of Madness

Male. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on November 26, 1994
Misc. RP Information
Tarsus is intended to be at least mildly villainous. though his mission is purely scouting pony society, he'll be happy to cause a little havok now and again. You can try to befriend him, might not be in your best interest.
Despite being just the royal scout, his sister, Queen Carapace is the queen of The Fourth Court
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
canterlot, ponyville, in your house.... with a knife
Title(s) / Rank
Royal Scout
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Tarsus is a changeling, but living out his life in The Fourth Court shows some clear mutations from your standard changeling. He has brightly colored flowing hair that changes color based on his mood. He also lacks a pair of wings, not that it matters with the power of a changeling
havoc, messing with ponies
having his plans foiled, cake
Detailed Personality
Tarsus is a bit of a jerk, but he hides it well when pretending to be a pony. he likes to pull pranks, and generally to be a little bit of a nuisance, without giving himself away.
Scouting pony settlements
The Fourth Court
Love theft tactics, scouting efficiency, general infiltration and information gathering
Detailed History
Tarsus is from a hereto undiscovered hive by the name of The Fourth Court, nessled between the griffonlands and equestria proper. it was fairly secluded, and the changelings therein tended to seek out griffon settlements to gain their food. One day one of the scouting parties discovered a small pony settlement and tarsus was sent to infiltrate and examine their society to see if they could be used as a source of food and resources. After a great deal of time and travel in the pony lands, he ende... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
a fair quantity of bits, both given as gifts, and stolen from the unaware. He also owns a small property he bought from one of his thralls for extremely cheap.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
impeccable acting skills
changeling transformation
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 26, 1994
Last Login:
July 17, 2024
Member Since:
August 19, 2021
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