Misc. RP Information
Adept roleplayer, willing to adapt to anything, as I enjoy trying all sorts of new things. Feel free to suggest whatever, and do anything ya want in rp with me, I really don't have any limits.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Lurking around rural towns like Ponyville.
Skin / Coat Color
Dark Gray Chitin
Eye Color
Arctic Blue
Design Description
Xerox is an unreformed changeling. He looks like a typical changeling, save for a scraggly blue mane and tail. He dresses warmly throughout the year, wearing scarves or hats.
Warm Clothing, Changelings, Spending Time With Others
Displays of Affection, Routine, Silence
Detailed Personality
Due to his past, Xerox has trouble showing emotion, deciphering other people's emotion, or understanding his own. He tries to be a good person, even to those he just met. Due to his difficulty with emotion, he has trouble making bonds with people, or keeping the ones that exist. He is often awkward in conversations because of it, but will do everything he can to avoid silence between him and others. He has lack of understanding for many social and cultural norms, adding to his inability for comm... View More
Changeling Hive
Mandatory Reformed Changeling Emotional Education/Awareness Seminars
Detailed History
Xerox was born not long before the reformation of the changelings. Due to not hatching yet, his clutch and other broodmates missed the reformation process. A program was started to help this group of changelings to understand the emotions within them better, to eventually reform themselves later. Most of the changelings did go through with a transformation later in life, Xerox was one of the few that had failed to understand emotion fully. Since reaching adulthood, and gaining freedom to do so, ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
All Xerox has to his name is a small amount of possessions he carries with him; Clothing, a small Notebook, and a Pocket watch
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
1. Racial Ability: Transformation - Xerox, as a changeling, can transform into any shape he can think of, given enough focus.2. Talents a. Spacial Reasoning - Xerox has quite the innate ability to think of positioning and movement in all 3.5 Dimensions b. Quick Wit - Xerox has the ability to Improvise on the spot incredibly well. Whether it be humor, riddles, songs, poetry, or just some fancy talking, Xerox has you covered for a fast and witty response.
1. Cantrips a. Smoke and Mirrors - Upon casting this spell, all creatures in a 15 foot radius are confused, distracted by whatever the hell Xerox is doing. b. Silver Tongue Transplant - The Spellcaster speaks in a way which promotes others to break any silence they held, at the cost of the Spellcaster's own speaking ability for a short time.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 19
Last Login:
April 4, 2022
Member Since:
October 25, 2019
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