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Temmi Blue

Other. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on June 28, 2001
Misc. RP Information
-Temmi Blue
-20 years old
-They have "mushroom sickness;" a magical ailment (detailed below.)
-Mushroom Sickness (Magical Ailment)
-Mushrooms and black moss grow on everything they touch.
-Illness causes a slow death, causing mushrooms to grow on creatures and their surroundings until they are incredibly weak. It weakens the immune system severely.
-Under the light of a full moon they transform and the affliction is amplified.
-The only creatures that can physically interact with them are ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Everfree Forest
Skin / Coat Color
Dark grey
Eye Color
Pale Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Detailed Personality
They are a very shy pony and typically will avoid others if possible.
Though they are very sweet when they do know other ponies well, they have trouble getting out of their shell at all (especially because of their illness, as it can result in the deaths of other ponies.)
Detailed History
Mother was a unicorn; father was a ram (both are deceased).
Developed the mushroom sickness; their mother used her magic to keep Temmi alive, however, it had negative effects. Temmi is a permanent carrier.
The illness developed slowly into the severity it is today, but it does not affect them anymore as it does others.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 28, 2001
Last Login:
November 14, 2021
Member Since:
March 4, 2021
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