Gamma Plague

Male. Lives in Bandar Lampung,  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on April 27, 2007
Misc. RP Information
This is me, Gamma Plague, living on Equestria, at Canterlot. Willing for any RP.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Title(s) / Rank
Gamma Plague the Pegasus
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Romance, Sci-Fi, Post-apocalyptic, School, Military
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
With left blind eye. May look like a normal eye but there is a scratch cutting the cornea and pupil.
Listening to musics, healing, walking, Archaic speaking
Detailed Personality
Three sides are living in his body. The Light Side, activates within 12 AM, a personality with more kindness and caring, the Lunar side, activates within 6:30 PM, given by no one than Princess Luna in his dreams, and the Dark side, activates when one of his friends are threatened (and the threat can be seen)
Healer and Plague Doctor
Ponyville. Is now living in Canterlot
Almost everything.
Detailed History
He is Gamma Plague. Born on April 27th, 2007, in Ponyville. He was deserted by his parents because of his grey coat, red irises, and alicornhood, which they thought to be terrifying. He was soon found by another family in Ponyville and adopted him. In the course of a few years, Gamma Plague grew, becoming a young alicorn, possessing a small amount of magic. So his parents started teaching him healing magic and spells, which later on he mastered in only a few days. At his adolescence, he left his... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Property: Dagger (for self-defence), First Aid Kit (he brings it everywhere), and a book (could be any book he brought outside).
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Throwing Spro-Plague (a type of long-distance spells to heal and kill, according to the spell I mastered.)
Super-fast flying, to reach sick ponies beyond Equestria, and maybe far from Equestria.
Scary Glare, can scare away enemies with only a simple glare
Winged-piano performance, playing piano using a pair of wings
Heleth! (To heal anypony from any sickness caused by viruses, bacteria, or any other microbes.)
Recovoria! (To recover destroyed/damaged tissues.)
Andasta! (To repair broken/malfunctioned organs caused by anomalies.)
Rev! (To reverse a damage caused by sharp objects or any damages that was not caused by microbes.)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 27, 2007
Last Login:
April 20, 2024
Member Since:
November 1, 2021
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