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Yearling Writer

Male. Lives in Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on May 25, 2000
Misc. RP Information
(Time for updates on bios now that I understand a little bit more here!)
Hi! This character is Yearling Writer, and rping with him could likely be a chore, but I assure you that rps with him, while it may take time to know him, can be pretty versitile. There's a variety of rps that he can be apart of, preferably no nsfw. Preferred rps could be romance, adventure, mystery, or action. It all depends on what you're looking for ^^
As for me, my times tend to vary as far as me being online. I will try ... View More
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Everfree, Park, Boutique
Skin / Coat Color
Light Peach
Eye Color
Deep Sea Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Pencil Writing On Paper
Design Description
Yearling Writer is a light peach stallion with a lemon yellow mane and tail that both have a silver streak down the middle. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye due to it being torn out and has a deep sea blue eye color. Only on rare occasions is his eyepatch ever off his left eye. He's as tall as the average stallion, but slightly thinner than one due to years of malnourishment. Whenever in the Everfree, he'll be carrying the shortsword his father got him in a sheath on his side, but when in ... View More
Friends, Family, Home, Writing, Tea
Timberwolves, Sleep, Anyone Who Dares Hurt Friends Or Family
Detailed Personality
Yearling is a kind hearted soul but struggles to keep joy at certain points. He'd be your best friend and defend you at any cost, even for his own life, or he could be your worst nightmare and hunt you down until you pay for any maliciousness you have caused. Mainly hates those that enjoy to hurt others and absolutely loathes anyone who'd dare hurt his friends or family. Due to his past, he developed a severe case of PTSD, usually giving him a hard time keeping himself together at times and lash... View More
Homeschooled first 10 years of his life but managed to pick up on a bit more education during his time alone in the Everfree.
Detailed History
 Yearling was born and raised in the Everfree by his mother and father Lilly and Rain Writer. He was raised alongside Blitz, his older, more mischevious brother and Lilac, his 3 month old sister. Due to his father being considered a traitor to King Silk of the Farlands, Yearling's father taught him how to defend himself in case anypony tried coming after them. His mother and father both educated him and his brother until Yearling's tenth birthday. His father had gotten him a sword that day and t... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A small house towards the edge of Ponyville, the blade his father made for him, The Writer's Edge/Family Blade, his home in the Everfree, a decent pay he gets from his romance novels
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Swordsmanship, Hoof-to-Hoof Combat, Writing(Duh), Stitching, First Aid
N/A due to it being impossible in every sense for him
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 25, 2000
Last Login:
5 hours ago
Member Since:
August 10, 2018
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