Misc. RP Information
I do indeed like to role-play, and if you like romantic/eroctic role-play, that's fine by me. Just don't expect to those type of role-plays with me ALL the time... try to keep a few role-plays with me clean, or at least up to cuddles.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Varies. Could be at home, the park, the club, friends place.
Title(s) / Rank
Normal everyday shape shifter.
Skin / Coat Color
When in pony form, orange skin :3
Eye Color
My eyes are black dots
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Mystery, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi, Post-apocalyptic, School, Crossover
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
When in pony form, a mic, controller, and a pencil.
Design Description
Human form: Brown, floofy hair, with scratches on my face, a orange scarf, an orange shirt, orange shoes, black pants, and a black vest. Also, one long sleeve and the other sleeve is ripped.Pony form: Orange skin, darker orange mane, STILL BLACK DOTS FOR PUPILS, wings with even darker orange feathers, and ofc, a cutie mark on my asscheek. or thigh, I never paid attention to the cutie mark location...Fox form: avarage furry type thing ig, so pretty self explanatory. (BUT LOTS OF ORANGE FUR XD)
Video games, role-playing, animating, youtube, making friend
A lot.
Detailed Personality
I am a kind person, but I act like an asshole in a playful way. I tend to like to show affection towards others, mostly just friends though. Understandable.... I animate, which is kinda cool in my opinion. Some of them I've actually posted here on Canterlot Avenue, so boom, easy access to a few of my videos/animations. I typically animate simple memes and Friday Night Funkin' stuff, but will sometimes animate other things. Also, I suck ASS at coding. I love to doodle. Doodling helps me stay occu... View More
Somewhere on the planet Earth.
High School. It sucks, but its true.
Detailed History
I used to just draw things, then I got into Scratch, and started animating. (I still doodle)
Assets / Bits / Property
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Pretty good at video games and animating FNF related things.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 20, 2004
Last Login:
March 22, 2025
Member Since:
September 30, 2024
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