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Male. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on December 25, 1993
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
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Skin / Coat Color
Light blue with white chest fur and a dark blue fringe
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Pieces of wrapped candy
Design Description
The size of a pony, Juniper is half pony half reindeer, he has large white antlers draped in a magical icicle strings as well as two blue feathers behind his ear and a green feather on a necklace.
Candy. The holidays. Hot chocolate
Coffee. Anything too bitter
Detailed Personality
Juniper is a very happy go lucky reindeer. Although he’s not afraid to tell the truth, he’s more likely to say what one wants to hear as long as it’s not hurtful.
Candy maker
Detailed History
Juniper was born from a pony mother and his father was a reindeer up in the Frozen North. Their names were Fern Tree and Frost respectively. They lived in a small cabin where Juniper grew up like any other child, but one day his mother brought candy from the local town and immediately his earned his cutie mark.
Now he lives in Ponyville where he opened a little candy store called ‘The Frosted Antler’, where he sells and makes all sorts of sweet treats and hot cocoa’s.
Assets / Bits / Property
His store and a small apartment nearby
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Very good at making delicious candy
Basic levitation that stems from his antlers as well as limited flight due to his reindeer heritage
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 25, 1993
Last Login:
January 10, 2019
Member Since:
December 13, 2018
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