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Thomas Donut

Male. Lives in  Equestria. Born on February 8, 1996
Misc. RP Information
Misc. RP Information
First things, first.
I know that my profile is very overwhelming to many of you, but I do ask that you read it because not only do I go into detail about my OC here but I also speak about myself. This will give you an idea, not only to who my character is, but how I may act around you. So, please, give this a good read, and don't be afraid to say hi because I always welcome new company. Actually, I genuinely love just having someone else around to talk with.
Thus begins your j... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
His Donut Shop
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Thomas is a purple stallion that has curly medium length mane. With in his mane he has two different colors one being black and the other pink. The pink however wasn't all over they were just little streaks near the tips. His eyes are as silver, and yet looking into them you could still see a hint of purple in them(Maybe just a reflection off of his coat). Then on his flank he has his cutie mark(Obviously) and that cutie mark is a donut with one bite taken from it. Then there is his tail it is s... View More
Detailed Personality
Thomas has always been a kind and caring pony. He didn't like to be a mean pony, but sometimes he got caught up in the moment and he was. Get to know him and he can be a long lasting friend, and if you cross him he can be a very powerful enemy. There isn't much that makes Thomas cower though he will often act as if he is afraid. Sometimes he is emotionally distant, but most of the time he will always be there either trying to help or just being a friend. He can be a very flirty pony. Other than ... View More
Donut Shop Owner/Operator
Detailed History
As a young colt he always dreamed of building things, but he could never do it just right. His main inspiration was video games, they made him wonder if a machine could make games, what else could it do? Nonetheless, games were his hobby behind the robotic makings. His other interests included traveling (Happens later in his life), listening to music (as long as it didn't include religion), and an assortment of other things. When you got past his hard work on all the machines he had a bright per... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Assets / Property
•The Donut Shop of Thomas Donut
•Rough estimate of 15,000 bits
•Three Emerald coins
•A Mario star
•Two of Celestias' old ponyshoes(Metal dyed black)
•Dark Brotherhood light leather armor set
•Mini Proto-shield
•Three daggers made from an unknown metal
•Turtle hat
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Carries three daggers that were made from his tail. The material is very strong and withstand very high temperatures. He is very good at throwing said daggers. The daggers are located on his outer right thigh.
Thomas can teleport
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 8, 1996
Last Login:
February 24, 2023
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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