Misc. RP Information
I'm new to this site, so it's gonna take me a bit to adjust to and get used to. I've roleplayed for at least 4 years...but I suck at maintaining a plot...i can do long roleplays as long as ideas are still coming. But I can run out sometimes...i do have a YouTube channel, but I've barely been maintaining it, but I do upload. https://youtube.com/channel/UCkcdJZQ6f41q8GUirWPNLbA
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Everfree, sleeping in a tree, or sneaking around ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
Black chitin armor, red wings and red eyes
Eye Color
Crimson Red
Design Description
Um...i dunno? He is pretty much just my pic...dunno what else to say...his age? 21
Um...feeding, hunting, to tickle or trick others
Being tickled, being called wolfy...uh...being hated?
Detailed Personality
Titan stays mainly as a loner and disguised around other ponies, remaining unknown to most, although there is some methods to expose his true form, including ear scratches (he loves them), he will usually remain quiet unless approached first or attempting to feed. Once you manage to become his friend, he will be quite social
Dunno exactly...varies, I guess self taught?
Detailed History
Titan was created in chrysalis's swarm, as an experimental drones for torturing prisoners and quick capturing, with the ability to also adapt to different things to feed. But can only feed on one thing at a time, and it's hard to change it. She was kept in the hive developing his abilities and skills, then during the canterlot attack. She had several ponies captured and ready to be taken to the hive, then when shining and cadence repelled the attack with their blast. Most were sent to the badlan... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Owns a two story house in the everfree that was custom built by him. Aaand...not much else that is publicly known...gotta find out in rp...
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Uhhhhhhh. Great at building machines, and feeding off the laughter of others. I think that's everything *checks papers* idk
Not good at knowing many spells soooo...gonna put basics, levitation, summoning, teleportation, shifting, uh...i dunno what others are...off the top of my head
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 13, 1998
Last Login:
November 13, 2019
Member Since:
January 19, 2018
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