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Strange Stallion

Male. Lives in  Equestria. Born on September 29, 1990
Misc. RP Information
"Red sea": occupation: Blood mage titles/rank: only blood mage (that he knows of) hometown: everfree
spectrum: occupation: none titles/rank: none hometown: appleloosa
math wiz: occupation: accountant titles/rank: mathemagician hometown: ancient ponyville
"The Coalition": occupation: N/A titles/rank: most advanced technology hometown: N/A
Silver palm: occupation: wandering monk titles/rank: adept hometown: griffonstone
"conduit": occupation: gardener titles/rank: break hometown: Ponyville
"Baron": o... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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in assets/bits/property
Title(s) / Rank
in misc
Skin / Coat Color
in description
Eye Color
in detailed decription.
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
in description
Design Description
"Red sea": Red's main form in a dark grey unicorn with a messy red main and tail. His cutie mark is a red river. his eyes are also crimson.
spectrum: Spectrum is a white unicorn with rainbow hair and a constant aura that changes based on her emotions. Her main and tail are long and flowing. her eyes also change based on her emotions. Her cutie mark is a rainbow.
math wiz: he's a tiny brown earth pony colt with a short purple mane and tail. His cutie mark is pi. His eyes are green.
"The Coalition": ... View More
in personality
in personality
Detailed Personality
"Red sea": a little bit of an edgelord. He has self esteem issues and most of the time if something goes wrong, he thinks it's his fault. He's a very straightforward kind of creature. He tries to avoid situations that would make him angry or aroused like the plague, however he's highly susceptible to these emotions. He likes being alone, practicing magic, and meditation. he dislikes other creatures, loud noises, and people who express their beliefs too much.
Spectrum: A bit of an airhead. She has... View More
in misc
in misc
"Red sea": Red's education doesn't really exceed that of a high school education in most fields. In a couple select fields he's rather very smart. These fields include biology, basics of magic, rune magic, and blood magic.
spectrum: She only really has a basic high school education. Nothing too fancy.
math wiz: While not having gotten an education, he's several lightyears ahead of the best and brightest mathematician. In anything other than math he's pretty bad unless he can somehow apply math to ... View More
Detailed History
"Red sea": Blood Sea was born to two blood constructs that lived deep in the whitetail woods. He would later find out that during his birth that his parents sacrificed themselves to seal the demon Jack Rippling inside of his body and for his younger years they locked his body as a unicorn so he could get along with ponies. During his early childhood he mostly stayed inside of his parents home which had books that allowed Blood Sea to learn about language, biology, blood magic, and rune magic. T... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
"Red sea": he owns a small shack in the Everfree that has a couple books in it on blood magic, biology, rune magic, and the Equestrian language. He only has a few bits.
spectrum: she only has 100 bits to her name
math wiz: he has an apartment in manehatten. he own a building in the financial district of manhatten. the building is large enough to accommodate some of the large creatures in Equestria. Since he's one of the only accountants who'll do business with not ponies, a lot of not ponies bank ... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
"Red sea": His most notable talent is his ability to perform blood magic and rune magic. He's also able to control biology he's able to "reach" (not on contact but not completely absorbed) including his own. he's adept in combat.
spectrum: She has the ability to use powers based on her mood. She's not the best in combat but usually has to do it anyway.
math wiz: He's able to manipulate reality using highly advanced math.
"The Coalition": The most notable skill of the Coalition is their ability to u... View More
"Red sea": through the use of rune and blood magic he's able to cast most spells except for those who's rune is unknown to him. he's also able to use his blood as an explosive by releasing all of the energy from it at once. He can also mix his magic and biology manipulation.
spectrum: White: Bliss/Nirvana/Pure Heartedness
White Magenta: Love
White Pink: Hope
White Red: Enthusiasm/Confidence
White Brown: Critical
White Orange: Generosity
White Yellow: Protective
White Green: Self Sacrificial
White Cyan: ... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 29, 1990
Last Login:
September 6, 2023
Member Since:
June 14, 2018
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