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Princess Twilight Sparkle

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria.
Misc. RP Information
Misc. RP Information
Rules: This is my only rule, Romance or anything involving romance. This kind of rp or another kind of rp related to anything that is love etc has to be earned. I will not start rping with you like we are in love or together. You have to earn that over time and not everypony/everybody can earn it. I am very hard to get. The only time romance will be available is if we are in a relationship or if the rp leads up to a relationship beginning to build. I do not believe in such a... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Magic, Friends, Books, Learning, Harmony
Disharmony and other threats to Equestria, however, she will
Detailed Personality
Princess Twilight Sparkle is super smart and a natural born leader. She is good at helping her pony friends use their skills and talents to get the job done while discovering new things about herself and all her amazing friends!
She also loves to share the magic of learning and discovery with new friends because education is Magic!
Twilight possesses a huge amount of book-knowledge and intelligence. Twilight Sparkle is a very well educated pony and is the one with the most formal education of... View More
Detailed History
Twilight was born a unicorn and was inspired from a young age to learn magic after witnessing Princess Celestia raise the sun at the Summer Sun Celebration. She took the entrance exam to enter Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, in which she had to magically hatch a dragon's egg. At first, she was unable to do so, but a burst of energy from Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom outside unleashed her magical potential, causing her to start firing off spells uncontrollably until Celestia was able to re... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Twilight is smart, bookish, and skilled in every type of magic there is. She is also the poster-filly for the myth that complex unicorn spells are unstable and that the slightest bump or a poorly timed sneeze can end up transferring body parts, swapping genders, or teleporting ponies to lands unknown. She's sometimes shown as very dependent on her books to work her spells, being unable to do more than levitate objects or teleport short distances without a written spell formula in front of her.
Child Prodigy: Twilight possessed a hidden magical potential as a filly, which eventually unleashed itself due to the energizing effect of a sonic rainboom.
Enhanced Intellect: Twilight is highly intelligent, able to retain a great deal of information and use it to her advantage.
Alicorn Physiology: Twilight is an alicorn, allowing her both to fly and cast magic, including some kinds of magic unavailable to unicorns. She may also be either immortal or have a greatly increased lifespan.
Mag... View More
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Last Login:
June 4, 2020
Member Since:
April 17, 2018
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