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Mirrorverse Fluttershy

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on April 29, 1993
Misc. RP Information
Likes pranks, rock and roll and beating up other bullies if they look at her the wrong way.
Common locations your character will be
Anywhere she feels like
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Slightly dimmer yellow coat color then the original
Eye Color
Eyes are slightly darker than the original
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Fandom AU
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Same as the original except inversed colors
Design Description
Has a rough unkept pink mane and tail and wears an open leather jacket and a purple shirt underneath. Has a fang sticking out of her mouth.
Causing trouble/pranks
Softies that aren't "Rainy"
Detailed Personality
A mean girl at heart this tough pony does whatever she wants whenever she wants. Has a soft spot for her friend mirror rainbow. She once personally beat up the entire Wonderbolts herself.
Boss of the Erroneous Equines
Ponyville (Mirror)
Unknown but it's possible she has street smarts. Has learned how to play the electric guitar
Detailed History
One of the most feared pegasi in the mirrorverses flight school and by far the best flyer. Mirror fluttershy was both and proud of it, no one came close and she bullied anyone who thought different even the teachers. Many in the school called her the Bully of all Bullies. Not much else is known about her.
Assets / Bits / Property
Similar to the original flutters she lives in a cottage by the everfree forest, although mirror flutters doesn't often stay there.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Incredible flying ability that can rival the original Rainbow Dash herself, is really good with the electric guitar and likes to practice when bored.
Is skilled in what she calls "Street Brawlin' "
"Ain't got none ya dunce"-Mirror Fluttershy
(It's possible she too has the infamous stare like her original self)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 29, 1993
Last Login:
20 hours ago
Member Since:
October 2, 2023
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