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Male. Lives in  Beyond Equestria. Born on November 1, 1900
Misc. RP Information
Kro'ta is a very specific character, meaning he'll only be used in certain RP's seriously. Wall post goofs aren't accurate to how he really would be in a proper RP setting, just as forewarning.
Here’s two references to what Kro’ta sounds like!
Roar(Might wanna turn down your volume!)
Sound (Works as a reference to what Yautja look like, too!):
This character, Kro'ta, is a Yautja. These are the aliens that have many comics, movies and games m... View More
Common locations your character will be
Behind you.
Title(s) / Rank
Elite Yautja
Skin / Coat Color
Grey, mixed with lighter patches of white.
Eye Color
Who knows what's under his mask?
Design Description
Kro'ta is a massive, muscled humanoid, bipedal creature, standing around 8ft in height. It is rare he is seen without his biomask, which is heavily scarred and damaged on one half of his face. Along his biomask, he has little red lights that act as sensors to provide him with the extra vision he lost when losing his eye. Hanging from his head are tendrils, that fade from a dark black to silver at their tips. Despite maybe looking like hair, they are very much apart of his body, and would bleed w... View More
Hunting and a good fight!
Dishonourable hunters, cowards
Detailed Personality
Kro’ta is a fierce and loyal creature, who lives and dies by the code of his kind. Those who earn his respect, will find him to be quite caring, warm and perhaps even a tad humorous at times. To those he’s unfamiliar with, he’s rather distant. He won’t harm you, but he won’t walk up and give you a hug either. If provoked, he can lash out with aggression, but only when justified. While many ponies prove to be worthy prey, he sees a majority of them as lesser beings, and doesn’t get himself involv... View More
Galactic Hunter!
Yautja Prime, his home planet
Received training from elder hunters back on his home world, who provided him with combat lessons, tracking lessons, and anything else needed to be a successful warrior.
Detailed History
Kro’ta was born on the native planet of the Yautja, known as Yautja Prime. Yautja Prime is a planet with two suns and moons, and because of this, it’s a very hot and dry place. The planet has a rough terrain, with flowing lava, mountain and canyon like structures while having little to no vegetation. Large stone structures are scattered along the surface, including pyramid-like builds. There are buildings that make up cities, including skyscrapers of sorts. This is where Kro’ta was born and trai... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Kro'ta owns a personal space ship, which is fairly small but quick, mounted with numerous weaponry to defend itself if need be. Inside, he has an armory where he keeps weapons of all kind, and another where he keeps his trophies he’s earned throughout his hunts.
Here’s a list of the various items and weaponry Kro’ta carries:
Biomask: The biomask is one of the main tools of the Yautja, and provides both armour to the head and numerous functions. It’s connected to the wrist gauntlet, which controls ... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Hunting, tracking, combat
Doesn't use magic!
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 1, 1900
Last Login:
February 1, 2024
Member Since:
May 25, 2020
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