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Voxel Dominion

Other. Lives in Sarajevo,  Human World,  Beyond Equestria. Born on March 10, 1999
Misc. RP Information
The Voxel Dominion is exclusively for wall posts only, if you wish to RP with this faction please PM Jade Courage.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Earth, the front lines, in secret, in control
Title(s) / Rank
The first Darwinist Meritocracy
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Dominion Sigil of ascendance
Design Description
the most common parts of the dominion is there black leather underarmor and their CIRAS Body armor. they also sport various hats and helmets, usually armed but always wearing the red dominion armband
meritocracy, darwinism, the lord administrator, evolution
communism, fascism, entitlement, uselessness
Detailed Personality
the voxel dominion are strict about darwinism and meritocracy. only wishing those of skill, talent, strength and intellect to hold positions of power. this means that the dominion itself is usually ruled by the best and brightest of their organization.
despite their darwinist ways, they believe all races should be apart of the struggle for improvement and should be a part of the dominion. the Dominion as a whole views itself as a firm Guiding hand for all races to follow. Thus wishing to create ... View More
International Terrorist Organization/ adolescent empire
Sarajevo, Bosnia
most dominion soldiers are given 4 weeks of training followed by a baptism by fire. as for its civilians they are able to get state of the art education for free if they have a family member in the dominion military.
Detailed History
“Actions speak louder than words, and violence is the loudest action. Humanity must face strife and turmoil in order to grow stronger” Hector Mordecai Harken
The Voxel Dominion
Organization type: Military Terrorist organization
Military type: Massed produced army
Government Type: Meritocratic Military Junta.
Currency: copper, silver, gold, platinum.
Goals: eliminate the bureaucracy, Remove the socialist plague. Destroy the EU and the UN. Unite all of humanity under 1 order, create a Darwinist Meritocr... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
the mining guilds
several armament industries
cloning facilities
nuclear reactors an early fusion energy
$90,000,000,000,000 in bronze, silver, gold and platinum coins
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
the dominion thrive in this field believing that 1 out of a 100 soldiers are capable of being gifted or talented. despite the dominion using overwhelming numbers and force as their initial tactic most of their battles are one through the ingenuity of their common soldiers and NCOS
the dominion magic users or sometimes scions are very potent able to use magic missiles, fireballs, icecicles, detect and dispell undead and even telepathy.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
March 10, 1999
Last Login:
June 2, 2024
Member Since:
August 31, 2020
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