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Female. Lives in Ponyville Outskirts,  Equestria. Born on July 20, 1994
Misc. RP Information
I usually tend to do lengthier narrative RP's, and I'm a firm believer in putting into an RP what you want out of it. I have no restrictions on the type of RP I'll do, but I tend to stay in the canon MLP universe and don't do much AU stuff. I try to be as friendly as possible and accommodate everyone for the type of RP they want, but my favorite style will always be multi-paragraph narrative.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Canterlot, Ponyville Outskirts
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Blue scales
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Vahkriin stands approximately ten feet tall from the tip of her tail to her head, and weighs roughly 300 pounds. Her figure is slimmer due to her not-so-luxurious lifestyle, but she is not starved. From her back sprout two blue wings, giving her a wingspan of about eight feet. Each of her four paws are adorned with razor sharp, well-kept claws that she seldom uses for anything other than gathering food.
Sweets, fruits, conversation, anything purple
Humidity, harsh heat, bitter foods, violence, rude creatures
Detailed Personality
Vahkriin is a quiet, peaceful dragon living out her days in the region outside of Ponyville. She has made her home in the caves dotting the outskirts of Ponyville and does not tend to stray far from where she lives, however she can often be found foraging for food or lazing about in the sun near her home.
Originally hailing from the Frozen North, Vahkriin favors colder temperatures and is thankful for the fall and winter seasons in the Ponyville area. Despite this, she has grown accustomed to th... View More
Full time napper
Nalvateal, Frozen North
No formal education, but books have given her a basic education.
Detailed History
Vahkririn is a native of the wartorn Frozen North, having spent most of her life there. She was an only child to her parents Tyvari and Numak, who were both killed in a family feud over territory during Vahkriin's teenage years. This contributes to most of her solitary lifestyle, and eventually led her to make the trek on her own from the Frozen North to Canterlot, and eventually Ponyville's outskirts. It did not take long for her to realize that ponies feared and disliked her for her size and f... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Assets: A small pouch of rough gemstones, a necklace of braided rope from her mother, and a bed made of layers of leaves and straw.
Bits: Whatever she comes across on a day-to-day basis. Usually nothing more than a hundred bits are in her possession.
Property: Her home is made in the caves outside of Ponyville.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Keen sense of smell, especially for berries and tree fruits. Her time travelling has developed her flight abilities, and she considers herself a decent flier with an incredible amount of stamina.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 20, 1994
Last Login:
August 27, 2018
Member Since:
May 28, 2018
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