Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
Manehattan, Ponyville
Title(s) / Rank
The King of Starbucks
Skin / Coat Color
Vanilla, Tan.
Eye Color
Light Brown
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A coffee bean
Design Description
He has light brown hair.
Coffee, Caffiene, and Starbucks.
Any drink opposite of caffeine.
Detailed Personality
He is calm, but he's usually happy all the time, but her has such a calm look that it even makes other ponies happy. He is really protective of his little sister, Red Velvet. He doesn't get mad easily, though he can be sarcastic at times. He has a rather cold side to him.
Starbucks worker.
He earned his diploma nine years ago.
Detailed History
He was born in Ponyville, Equestria, being cared for by his parents. He was 10 when his baby sister was born in 1997. 10 years later, he found out his parents died and his sister went missing. After he was reunited with his sister, Velvet, who is still related to him, despite her species, she told him what had happened to her. After taking care of her, He was more protective over her and they lived together until Velvet was 18. He now works at Starbucks in the human world, sharing a love for all... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Starbucks. Rich.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Magic, elemental magic, and he has the ability to read ponies' emotions, and is aware of everything.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 11, 1990
Last Login:
February 6, 2019
Member Since:
January 31, 2019
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