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Vesper Vixen

Creature and Collector of Trinkets. Lives in The Forests of the Great Lakes,  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on October 10, 2003
Misc. RP Information
ionnoooo :3
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
probably in a forest
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
light tan / cream / brown
Eye Color
from sclera to pupil, three shades light to dark sage green
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Dystopia, Post-apocalyptic, MLP Only, Monster
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
a tan main coat with a cream underbelly reaching up to the bottom half of the face, and to the inner thighs. brown face freckles.
large playful (fennec) with brown tips, and cream inner fluff. a solid brown marking from the upper back to the front legs, while the hind legs are also brown the color cuts off halfway up. muzzle is small and thin.
only the hind hoofs are cloven while the front hooves resemble a hippogriff's, with feathers protruding from the backs, all hooves match the cream color o... View More
napping, friends, animals, competition, travelling
entitlement, rudeness, unfairness, loud noises,
Detailed Personality
introverted, shy, skittish/jumpy, but wild and free at the same time. feels the most comfortable with her animals and cryptids. sort of like fluttershy if she was more energetic and vocal.
frolicking majestically
doesn't really have one, lived in the forest for the most pt
not taught like most ponies, grew up in the wilderness and taught by her family. she's learned from the world around her ever since she departed from them. even then, she was always a slow learner.
Detailed History
vesper always found it difficult to fit in, even in the wilderness where everycreature would be considered weird by civilized folk. her parents tried their best to give her a good life, but it was a constant struggle.
idk what happened to her parents yet but she's been on her own for a while.
since she spent her life in the forest, she speaks differently than most other civilized folk, having an outlandish accent. she takes a little longer to process words, so be patient.
after her parents ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Basic Info
Creature and Collector of Trinkets
Birth Date:
October 10, 2003
Last Login:
May 1, 2024
Member Since:
April 7, 2024
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