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Vladimir Sickle

Male. Lives in Unknown,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on January 16, 1998
Misc. RP Information
Vlad is the bastard son of Chrysalis. He was raised in the main hive and told his father was a valiant warrior and had been killed in combat. Only to be casted out when Vlad insulted his mother in front of the hives. He is a cannibal and hides it very well. You could say that he likes liver with some faafa beans and a nice keonte.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Everfree, Manehatten, Ponyville
Skin / Coat Color
Light brownish creme
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Vlad is a tall regal Changeling with an electric blue mane and eyes that are a bloody red. A thick scar covers his right eye blinding him on that side. He can normally be seen wearing blacken steel plate and a war-helm shaped like a snarling wolf's head. If not he is wearing a Foxy jacket, Also a etched gold ring is pierced in his right ear that states, in changeling, Love is the path to true life.
Music, a drink with friends, a good fight
Detailed Personality
He is a easy going stallion with a kind heart and a easy smile. Alas, there are those who can turn him from this path and into a rage that not even the icy chill of the Frozen North can not calm. He has a strong belief in the code of chivalry.
Blacksmith/ sell sword and a violinist
Ponyville, Everfree, Manehatten
The art of the blade: Vlad has been trained in most forms of swordsmanship and is skilled in their use and making.
Society: Changeling society is no stranger to him, however pony society stil confuses him.
Assets / Bits / Property
Armor: Vlad has a set of ancient plate armor covered in runes with a wolf shaped helm
Weapons: A steel long-sword of his own design called the Talon. Along the blade of the Talon it states "Fortis Ferox et Celer" or Strong, Courageous and Swift.
Property: Vlad owns a large three acre, two story manor in the Everfree. He also owns a medium sized blacksmithing shop in Ponyville and is looking to build a new location in Manehatten.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Basic smithing training
Advanced sword training.
Changeling transformation.
Banshee's cry: Using his vocal cords or his violin Vlad can let loose a ear-splitting cry like that of the famed Banshees.
Sheild: Acts like a shiled agenist ranged weapons
Liquefy: Under normal circumstances Vlad can use this spell out of combat to turn any metal into a liquid state.
Wards: Various wards against aging and spell dispersion cover Vlad's armor. A new addition to his Wolf's helm is a sight ward. Which allows Vlad limited extra sight to those that are invisible.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
January 16, 1998
Last Login:
June 25, 2021
Member Since:
April 17, 2018
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