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Female. Lives in  Salt Lick City,  Equestria. Born on May 2
Misc. RP Information
Purity's combined blindness, pure magic, and necromantic talents make her extremely sensitive to magical auras or sources. She is able to counter most attempts to harm her by magical means before they are started. She is more aware of a source the more intense it is, so she can easily detect and avoid creatures with large concentrations of energy, such as dragons, hydra, changelings, timberwolves, and spirits. Invisibility spells are useless against her, and in fact make it easier for Purity to ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Library-Old Ruins-Graveyards-Tundra-Forests
Title(s) / Rank
No special titles or positions.
Skin / Coat Color
Soft Teal
Eye Color
White (Purity is blind.)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A large teal cross sign, surrounded by gold and white sparks
Design Description
Purity is a small, 3' 4" mare with white eyes indicating her blindness, a teal coat color, and a teal and white striped mane. She is almost always wearing a similarly colored scarf, both for comfort, and to conceal several gems storing excess magic. She is a shy, closed off unicorn, and spends much of her time studying, experimenting, or exploring old abandoned ruins of various locations, most often graveyards or hospitals. Her cutie mark indicates her talents in pure or light magic, but she is ... View More
Necromancy-Learning-Children-Lily Pads-Phoenixes-Exploring
Violence-Optical Illusions-Guards-Bats
Detailed Personality
Purity (see profile image) is the very mark of a shy bookworm, though not as shut in or intense as Twilight. She tends to get involved in things clearly out of her control, and she is likely to complicate even the simplest of tasks, a.k.a. taking a 3 month journey to deliver a message that should've taken only a couple weeks. She is not adverse to violence, but will not adamantly randomly attack either. Purity, while not as acute as some others, is extremely swift and adaptive, and can often imp... View More
(Official) Freelance Explorer/Mailmare (Un.) Necromancer
Salt Lick City
Besides receiving a typical elementary education, Purity has attended various biology and biomagik colleges and universities. While often dropping out or being expelled for various reasons (most of them out of her control), she has absorbed most of the training and information offered. She has also received personal mentoring from professional biomagik casters, and has been recommended for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns at a younger age, but unfortunately could not attend out of location ... View More
Detailed History
Born in the little known area of Salt Lake City, Purity had a mostly unremarkable childhood, as she spent most of her time studying on life magics or sciences, or experimenting in such. She owned a pet raven for a few years, but it eventually died from a disease she was unable to cure. Filled with regret, Purity put her talents and forbidden magic to the test, and successfully resurrected her raven for seven months before it completely rotted. Emboldened by this, she decided to continue secretly... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Purity is not exactly frugal, but is not a large spender on meaningless items. She currently owns a modest, two bedroom home in Manehattan to keep up appearances, and she often funds her purchases of magic artifacts or tuition off of her discovery of ancient relics, or her daytime occupation as an unassuming mailmare. She owns a large amount of expensive crystals and stones, not for decoration, but to store excess magic in case of emergency, or for larger scale experiments. She currently holds a... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Purity's cutie mark helps solidify her talent as a gifted light magic user (not regular magic as referred to "light", but magic involving some form of luminescence or glow) and can perform meager self levitation. Her talents do not translate into healing, and she is not an experienced or remarkable fighter. Rather, her abilities make use of her interest in exploring old caves and ancient ruins, allowing her to effectively light her way and banish creatures of the dark. Unexpectedly, however, she... View More
Basic Telekinesis
Self Levitation
Heart Glow (causes a small light to appear on her horn)
Radiance (her body radiates a strong light that repels dark creature)
Sun Blast (not literally the sun, but fires a bolt fueled by solar power)
Molten Heaven (creates an area of intense brightness and heat around her for defense)
Short Term Reanimation (one week of life)
Long Term Reanimation (one year of life)
Rot Charge (targets and rots away at critical areas, i.e. EP muscles, unicorn horns, etc.)
Essence Steal (... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 2
Last Login:
December 1, 2020
Member Since:
July 18, 2018
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