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Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Stopwatch on fire
Design Description
Whirlwind has a bright lemon yellow coat with blue eyes paired with a streamlined mane and featuring vibrant green primary with deep navy blue accent colors.A now retired Wonderbolt and former cloudsdale resident moved to the outskirts of ponyville looking to make a mark with the skills he has in managing weather as well as showcasing his aerial excellence.
adventure, loyal friends, weather
dishonesty, lazy, taken advantage of
Detailed Personality
Whirlwind is a hard working pegasus. Forward thinking and expressed leadership, yet sometimes stubborn and often blunt.Simple minded but is open to learn things complex
Weather manager
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Very athletic, fast flyer, farming, learning how to farm, music producer, can help control and or establish weather,Known for setting record setting times in the sky.