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Wicked Butterfly

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on June 4, 1995
Misc. RP Information
ahhh, haven't been here in forever.
just wanted to come back and try to find the motivation to rp lol.
i can't remember my previous login from my other wicked account i have here lmao.
●i prefer narrative or even mini paragraph rps, i can't work with one word, short sentences with little to do.
●keep in mind that while wicked is open for any future ships, i do have a gf outside of rp. i just want to make it clear.
●referred to above, wicked is only romantically interested in mares, im sorry stall... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
mostly anywhere except large cities & cloudsdale.
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
crimson red.
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Slice of Life, Mystery, Fantasy, Dystopia, Post-apocalyptic, Fandom AU, Crossover, Anthro, Feral
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
a silver sword with black vines wrapped, along w/ black rose
Design Description
●brown body, with an even dark brown around the legs, and their bottom wings.
●long black hair with a silver streak.
●long black tail that curls near the end.
●crimson red eyes.
●black marks underneath both eyes.
●usually wears a black tie.
●wears snake bites underneath their mouth.
books, astrology, sweets, ramen noodles, cryptozoology, etc.
unnecessarily rude ponies, coffee, cloudsdale, large cities.
Detailed Personality
wicked is introverted, witty, sarcastic but also have a dry sense of humor. due to her upbringing, she has a difficult time opening up and growing attachments to those she cares about. despite her facade, she cares deeply over those that are close to them, she isn't the greatest while showing it.
she can also be a shy mess when it comes to a mare she's interested in, she easily gets flustered around them but she remains calm and collected in these situations despite it.
sometimes whenever a mare... View More
wicked never really had an education growing up as her father left the family while they were really young, and her mother succumbing to an illness. her oldest sibling encouraged her to go to school and while she did, they dropped out eventually.
Detailed History
wicked butterfly was raised by a family of pegasi. her father left the family back during war times as he was a wonderbolt soldier, why he never came back was left a mystery. wicked believes he was presumed dead in action. her mother took care of her and their 3 siblings until she can no longer take care of them anymore, forcing the oldest to grow up fast to take care of both wicked and their two other siblings.
wicked never really had a close relationship with the other siblings, outside of the... View More
uh... i don't know any spells.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 4, 1995
Last Login:
November 26, 2024
Member Since:
May 20, 2024
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