Misc. RP Information
((So as a heads up, Nocti's pretty calm and polite, but she IS a pony eating 'Unicorn'. So heads up for that.. Gore is to be expected if things take a turn in RP.. but don't come here expecting it outright! She's a pretty restrained Mare. So you don't have to worry about your muses getting attacked outright unless they attack her first. Ok? Ok!))
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
The Everfree Forest, rarely Ponyville.
Title(s) / Rank
The Everfree Siren.
Skin / Coat Color
Tannish Brown with a Darker Brown 'mane'.
Eye Color
Acid Green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A music note made out of two skulls.
Design Description
Standing a few taller then most normal ponies, but not as tall as the royalty. Fur is light, thick but pretty soft.'mane' is mostly only on her neck/back of her head. It stops at the base of her back horns.Speaking of, three horns adorn her head.. but only the middle center facing one can do magic.Thick, strong hooves with sharp bottoms for digging and hopping about.Acid green eyes as well as magic, slit like a bat pony or cat.Jaw has 'ruffles' and when open display sharp fangs and smaller, po... View More
Hunting, wandering her forest home, music of all kinds.
Loud noises, those who disrespect the forest or the night.
Detailed Personality
For the most part, Nocti is a polite, reserved and quiet mare. She needs no other's company and prefers her solitude. Peel back a few layers and it becomes quite clear this 'Unicorn' is a vicious hunter who uses tricks to lure her prey to her.Despite her diet of any flesh (be it animal or pony) she can get her teeth into she can be a civil companion. Just do not disrespect the forest or Princess Luna. Nocti is a huge follower of both Luna and her alter ego, Nightmare Moon.. believing in the i... View More
Born and raised in the Everfree.
Taught by her mother, what 'proper' things she knows came from books obtained from prey or just found.
Detailed History
To Be Added
Assets / Bits / Property
A small but warm and decorated cave deep in the Forest.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Mimicing music and the voices of others.Expert tracker and Hunter.Decent singer.
To Be Added.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 15, 1987
Last Login:
March 12, 2025
Member Since:
October 15, 2019
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